Free Ready for Take-Off: Preparing Your Teen with ADHD or LD for College Epub

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In todays world, getting accepted to college is only half of the battle. Staying in there is another matter altogether. And for students ADHD or learning disabilities, staying, thriving, and graduating from college can be very challenging even for the most academically prepared students. Ready for Take-Off lays out a plan to keep students with ADHD or LD in college by first teaching parents to prepare their teen for take-off and their first solo flight away from the home. This essential resource encourages parents to adopt a unique coaching-style approach in their parenting and urges parents to stop micromanaging their teens day-to-day life. Using college readiness surveys and handy worksheets, parents can objectively determine if they areplaying a productive or nonproductive role in their teenagers life and learn ways to promote self-determination, daily living and academic skills by using the time in high school to help their teen be ready for take-off in their teen while their teen is still in high school.

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